Introducing Stella.


Stella is that go- to- friend when you just need a bit of unbiased advice, the gossip queen or whatever else you make her or need her to be. The idea is that if you send an e-mail to Stella, requesting to be anonymous, the Itch will under no circumstances publish your name or contact information. But if you’re cool with having say, your first name or nickname as signature, then that’s alright. We won’t exactly point a gun to your head. The only one who reads the e-mails is Stella, and she’s sworn to secrecy. The consequences of her outing someone are really serious, which she knows. With that said, I can personally vouch for her, as I trust her completely and I’m convinced she’ll do a great job. She’s so special in fact, that she’s getting her own category 🙂

You can reach her at:

By: Sarah Ahassad, SP3B (Editor-in-Chief)

3 responses to this post.

  1. yeah well…i have these really strange warts down south but im still a virgin so it cant be a std. im so embarrased! what should i do?


  2. Posted by Stella on November 22, 2010 at 7:35 PM

    Dear worrywart,

    Having bumps ‘down south’ doesn’t necessarily mean that it is an std, yet at the same time you should keep in mind that ANY sexual activity, not just sexual intercourse can lead to transmitted diseases. Even any physical contact can transmit a disease.
    If thats not the case, and if you do shave or wax ‘down south’, maybe its only a rash. Just like when you get razor burns or bumps on your legs, you can get bumps anywhere you decide to wax or shave.
    If your not a big fan of the waxing and the shaving, then it could just be a common case of pimples. The body is covered with pores and where there are pores, pimples can occur.
    My Advice?
    Try not to worry about it too much. However, if it is a problem that keeps reoccurring, then try going to the doctor to make sure it isn’t anything too serious. Its better to be safe than sorry worrywart 😉

    Yours truly,


  3. Posted by The Cliche Girl on December 3, 2010 at 11:57 AM

    Hi Stella,

    First of all I must say that I’m so thrilled over getting an advice and an insight from you on my problem. I have always imagined going to that typical American high school you see on teenage movies where they speak English in the corridors and you have all the jocks, the hiphop guys, the nerds and the newspaper group under one roof.

    The only thing that was missing was making a column for this anonymous girl giving advice on issues her fellow school mates ask her off. So cliché, but I’m happy nonetheless that you exist.
    So to my problem now. I like this guy. And this is the problem most girls, women, whatever, face today. There is always that guy that messes it up or does something… bad. Anyway, the thing is that this guy doesn’t mess it up. He is completely perfect. He is smart; he loves to run meaning he is very athletic without it bringing it down his intellectual side. He looks so perfect, tall, slender without being to slender.

    But there are still two problems here.

    1) He doesn’t know that I like him.
    2) I don’t think he would like me if he found out that I liked him because…
    3) He is a teacher

    Ok, so there were three problems.

    My question is should I tell him even though I know I probably will get rejected as I am a student in this school and he is the teacher? Or should I tell him hoping that he would confess his undying love for me and we would runaway together?

    Give me a sincere advice.

    The Cliché Girl.

    PS. Who are you?

    DS. I’m 18 so do not worry about the age thingy.


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